In rotatory test, the nystagmus of accelerated, descended and sudden stoping stage were also recorded; 旋转试验记录了加、减速期与骤停时的眼震振幅与频率;
Effective vestibular stimulation might cause the tension of brain blood vessels. Cinnarizine could improve the brain blood flow during the vestibular stimulation and also reduce the frequency and velocity of slow phase of post rotatory nystagmus. 脑血流图功率谱的计算机分析表明,有效的前庭刺激可以引起脑血管的紧张,而脑益嗪能够改善前庭刺激下的脑血流状况,并且降低旋转后眼震颤的频率和慢相速度。
Optokinetic rotatory stimulator combined with electronystagmograph were used to carry out the sinusoidal rotation test for inducing the sinusoid pendular nystagmus in 10 chickens. 用日本的视动旋转眼震仪及眼震电图仪,对10只鸡进行正弦摆动诱发眼震的测试,记录到良好的眼震电图。